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Blake, Jason. Canadian Hockey Literature: A Thematic Study. Toronto: University of Toronto  Press, 2010.


This novel discusses many aspects of hockey in Canada including violence and national identity. Blake’s points on violence, the positive display and thin line between violence and aggression in the sport will be discussed in the web page. Also Blake’s description of Canada’s national identity with hockey will be described in general. 



Holman, Andrew, Ed. Canada’s Game: Hockey and Identity. Montreal& Kingston: McGill- Queen’s University Press, 2009.


The book, a collection of several different articles each describing how hockey, at all levels, from the Summit Series to American Expansion to backyard pond hockey change and develop the Canadian Identity. This information will be used as a basis to explain why many believe hockey is a religion in Canada.


Kidd, Bruce, & MacFarlane, John. The Death of Hockey. Toronto: New Press, 1972.


In this book Kidd examines how hockey, which is considered Canada’s game and a large part of our culture, is being taken from our Country as it is expanded and franchised in America. The book discusses how much hockey is a part of Canadian identity , and how our identity, or pride may change the status of hockey at that time. The information in this book will be used to help describe the Canadian Identity and hockey, as an introduction into the topic of hockey and religion in Canada. 

Bibliography- Academic Books

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